London asked if she could have a donut (daddy is normally very stingy with his donut sharing). I reluctantly agreed to give her a long john. She licked the chocolate off the top and put the donut on the counter. Ya. She was done.
Oh, my counter, counter clutter You are the bane of my existence. How you remain in my life, Despite my persistence. To clean you up, clear you off. To put everything away. To keep you free from debris Each and every day. A paper here, a notice there. Pens, cell phones and mail. My notebook and “things to do” And always without fail There’s the miscellaneous things. Things seemingly without home That pile up and multiply “Stuff” never wants to be alone. And there you sit, upon my counter Looking like a smug ol’ bore. Oh, you may win a few battles But, you can bet, I’ll win the WAR! So take your rest, sweet disarray But take heed to my warning: Though we both sleep well tonight, We’ll fight again in the morning.
I loooooove chocolate long john's! They are my favorite!!!
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