Monday, January 19, 2009

A Fishy Story

Kirby loves food. He hardly ever turns down a meal or a chance to try something new. He's my "good-eater". However, on occasion (rare occasion) he just doesn't feel like eating. That does not mean he doesn't want the food. He's just not going to eat it. He has other plans for it, that's all.

For lunch the other day Kirby was served a PB&J with some goldfish. According to popular belief, goldfish like to swim in cold lakes. Not so here in Nebraska. Here they prefer to swim in PB&J's.
I thought you would appreciate a close-up of this wild phenomenon found only here, in the tiny town of Arlington.

Now go. Hurry and tell your friends while I call Ripley's Believe It or Not.

1 comment:

Andrea Hutchens RYT-500 said...

He is so handsome in that top photo!
I love them when they have a crisp new big boy haircut :)